Legal Notice

Site Publisher

The site is published by Mia Combeau. If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me by email at the following address:

Site Host

This site is hosted by:

  • Cloudflare, Inc., 101 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, United States
  • Scaleway, 8 rue de la Ville l’Evêque, 75008 Paris, France

Personal Data Collection

At Codequoi, I strive to respect your privacy to the fullest extent. There is no collection of personal data through forms or tracking systems. However, in order to facilitate discussions around the articles, I use a commenting system.

Commenting system

The comments on this site are managed by Remark42, open-source and self-hosted software focused on privacy.

You can comment anonymously or choose to log in via GitHub if you prefer. Apart from your username, no other personal data is collected.

If you wish to delete your personal data associated with your comments, simply click on your username in the comments section and follow the deletion link available at the bottom of the page.

Cookies only uses cookies that are strictly necessary to operate the Remark42 commenting system. These cookies are used to:

  • Manage sessions for users logged in via GitHub.
  • Preserve your preferences regarding comments.

Rest assured, these cookies do not collect any information for tracking or advertising purposes.

Intellectual Property

The content of this site (texts, images, etc.) is protected by the applicable intellectual property laws. Any reproduction or use of this content without prior authorization is prohibited.


The content on this site is provided for informational purposes only. Although I strive to ensure its accuracy, I cannot guarantee that it will always be up to date. You use this information at your own risk.

This site may contain links to other websites. I am not responsible for the content of these third-party sites and encourage you to review their own legal notices and privacy policies.

This legal notice may be modified from time to time. Please check back regularly to stay informed of any updates.